No matter how old you are, anniversaries are always important. They deserve a celebration and they make us happy because, every year, there is a day that belongs to us completely. If there is this effect on grown-ups, you can easily imagine which is a child’s reaction when his first anniversary arrives and the joy he’s feeling during the big day. To remove any doubt, allow me introduce you to Dani, a very happy and funny child, who has just celebrated his first anniversary. To make sure their son will have the anniversary he deserves, his parents reached me to offer them my services. This very nice boy put a smile on my face since the first moments of this photo session. His beauty impressed me a lot. His big blue eyes were always accompanied by the biggest and the most natural smile that I’ve ever seen. His face transmitted pure happiness, so I grabbed my camera to capture these moments full of innocence. For Dani, I created a simple décor, similar to an external frame, I added some leaves to create an original and pleasant environment. I haven’t put a lot of objects near him in order to offer him the chance to act as he wishes; and he didn’t miss this chance. Dani loved his green cake which was decorated with a little marzipan animal on top. He fully enjoyed smashing it, without forgetting to offer us his specific smile. But his favorite

toys were certainly the balloons he took with him in the bubble bath that we prepared. He was feeling very comfortable and happy, which really satisfied me. Every positive reaction was a real reward for me.


The pictures with his parents were really good. His mother showed me where Dani got that wonderful smile and glowing beauty from. She had the same contagious energy like her son, while posing proudly with him. I loved her simple style and her original attitude. Her relaxed condition helped me take the best photos. She spoiled her baby with the sweetest hugs while her husband watched them with pride. He also had the same playful behavior with his little son. Their strong bond was easily noticeable through their pictures full of authenticity. They were, probably, the happiest family I worked with until now. This session was very relaxing because I worked with people who didn’t know what stress or emotions are. But they knew for sure what love is and they offered it to their son with every chance they had. That’s what I liked the most about them: they weren’t just Dani’s parents, but they were also his best friends. To me, they were really like a breath of fresh air and I’d like to thank them for sharing with me a part of their immesurable joy. I hope they will have the same effect on you.